Some choose paths that lead inexorably to pain… the pain described by T. S. Eliot as “blind men groping.” There lies the rock strewn mountainside of devastation. There in the deepest pain, blind eyes, deaf ears, arms reach to escape until finally, I cease struggling. Like the fly in the spider’s web that expends all its life force in the hopeless effort to escape.
When the pain has seared my senses and the mind and the spirit lie still, the Holy Spirit of God in His unlimited grace, reaches into that secret place only He knows in order to breathe a new life- a new birth- into my spirit, my soul, my psyche- that unseen essence of who I truly am- vibrant and eternal.
I rise and dance, twirling, smiling, singing praise to my dear Lord Jesus Christ. While I move with rhythm and grace in the natural world, God, even God, dances over me as the angelic chorus echoes my tiny sounds of praise. Heaven throbs with joy over my birth into the kingdom of joys and pleasures evermore- in communion with God. Zephaniah 3:17
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It is no mystery why David, Paul and other writers of the scriptures speak of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Consider all the other metaphors of human marriage and the believer’s union with God. Very simply, the believer’s union with Christ is oneness with God. Believers (both men and women) are called the Bride of Christ. When the Groom (who is Jesus) comes for the Bride of Christ, she will have no spot or wrinkle. The bride is made perfect, not by her efforts, not by any works she may perform, but by the sacrificial love of the Groom.
God himself seeks out every person, desiring to give that individual faith to believe in Jesus who is the Christ; He is the only way to God. Each person has the opportunity to choose whether or not to believe.
Please join us at the Wedding Supper.
Revelation 19:9 And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My soul’s journey has been etched with encounters that were fired by deep love, but then frozen by hate.
Holy Spirit, I give to you the keys to my heart and ask you to cleanse your temple. Tidy up the clutter of wasteful activities. Pick up the broken pieces of dreams and put them in the Father’s hands. My Father loves me dearly, and He will heal the deep wounds- even those of childhood. By the blood of Christ, remove my iniquities. By the stripes of Jesus, make my body whole and healed.
Dear Spirit, as you wash away the layers of life’s detritus, the shimmering gifts you gave me so long, long ago are being revealed. Now, I walk alone and the cleansing becomes a renewal – a renewal of life, hope, and purpose. I put my heart, all my heart, into your hands, Father. I trust Your love, and I depend upon your grace.
Psalm 103:5 (The Lord) who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Rest of Passion by Barbara Watts
Do you know deep, soul-searing grief?
I lost my marvelous husband in a moment; that was 8 years ago. The journey back has been challenging, but God has been faithful every day, and every night.
Just a few weeks ago, the Lord awoke me saying that there is a place of rest, a place of love, comfort, and security. A place of acceptance, peace and joy in experiencing true intimacy with Him. Not entirely physical; it is primarily a spiritual experience of oneness with a loving Father. It is a knowing that I am truly and completely loved, and in that place I have the freedom to respond with unfettered love for Him. I am in Him and He is in me in a union of pure glory. Love is a circle, after all. This place is a place similar to that of the Shekinah Glory of God. I sense that my body is enveloped in this light although I do not see it with my natural eyes. The glory is so strong that my spirit knows total security, love, acceptance, and completeness in Him. It is as though my spirit has come home. I finally believe that I am beloved, and I can live exuberantly in the security of knowing who I am in Christ.
I am reminded of the time when Jesus said, Come unto me, and I will give you rest. This rest is indescribable, but I have been blessed with what Jesus promised. I call it the Rest of Passion.
The Heavenly Father’s presence actually touches every cell of my physical body, making me complete in His love. A beautiful manifestation of this being so totally loved by God, is that now I can, on a deeper level, truly embrace and love my Christian brothers and sisters. My spirit begins to have the compassion of Christ in reaching out to those who are seeking.
The other amazing result of dwelling in this place with Him, is that unfulfilled longings leave, and I have a wholeness and soundness of personality.
This experience is not for me alone He can and will supply all your needs, satisfaction guaranteed. May I encourage you to seek that new and living way that we have never before known. Find this place of beauty, joy, and love by loving Him. Find Him for yourself.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Cross
What is the meaning of the cross? Simply stated, Jesus, the Christ, took upon himself, all the sins of the entire human race. My sins died or were wiped away when he died on the cross. There is a mystery as to how this happened, but I realize that there is a spiritual world that is eternal, and someday I will understand. While Christ died for me, it remained for me to decide, on my own, that Jesus is the Son of God, and He did rise from the dead, and I truly accept and embrace Him as my Lord and Savior. The only sin that was not forgiven on the cross is the sin of not believing in Jesus as the one and only way to the Father, Almighty God, sovereign creator of the universe, who lives forever. Halleluiah!
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